Race and Justice Resources

John Biewen both delivered a Ted Talk and hosted a season for the Scene on Radio podcast series called “Seeing White” that I believe are very helpful in grasping the nuances of this topic.

For Christians, I recommend listening to The Gospel Coalition’s “As in Hvn” podcast – Season 2. These episodes focus on Race and Justice from a Biblical perspective.

In the video session below, Pastor Tim Keller speaks with Attorney Bryan Stephenson (Just mercy), founder of Equal Justice Initiative. “People may be silent on this but the Bible is NOT.”

“The Talk” – this will break your heart.

Below is a podcast series hosted by Tyler Byrns and Jemar Tisby

Wonderful discussion on differences between the White church and the Black church when it comes to the issues of racism.

White Privilege discussed.

Below is a blog post written by Phil Vischer, creator of the Veggie Tales series. This is a fascinating contrast that shows how we can view and tell our stories in different ways. He calls his post a Confession. Even so, it prompted quite a debate in the comments section under the article!

FABULOUS overview on Becoming Just Disciples in an Unjust World by Judy Wu Dominick. [click below]



